Agenda of Shura Council Sessions from 11/11/2018 to 30/10/2019

(Seventh Term - Third Year)

Session The day Schedule Notes
Hijri AD
2nd Wednesday   1440/03/13 2018/11/21  
3rd Monday   1440/03/25 2018/12/03  
4th Tuesday   1440/03/26 2018/12/04  
5th Wednesday   1440/03/27 2018/12/05  
6th Monday   1440/04/10 2018/12/17  
7th Tuesday   1440/04/11 2018/12/18  
9th Monday   1440/04/17 2018/12/26  
10th Tuesday   1440/04/18 2018/12/27  
11th Wednesday   1440/04/19 2018/12/28  
12th Monday   1440/05/01 2019/01/07  