Article 1:
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic State. Its religion is Islam. Its constitution is Almighty God's Book, The Holy Quran, and the Sunna(Tradition) of the Prophet(PBUH). Arabic is the language of the Kingdom. The City of Riyadh is the capital.
Article 2:
The State's public holidays are Eid Al Fitr (the Feast of Ramadan) and Eid Al Adhha (The Feast of the Sacrifice). Its calendar follows the Hijri year (the lunar year).
Article 3:
The flag of the State is as follows:
Its color is green.
Its width equals two thirds of its length.
The words, "لا اله الا الله - محمــد رســول الله" (There is no god but God and Mohammed is His Messenger) are inscribed in the center, with a drawn sword underneath.
The flag should never be inverted. The Law will specify the rules pertaining to the flag.
Article 4:
The State's Emblem represents two crossed swords with a palm tree in the middle of the upper space between them. The Law will define the State's Anthem and medals.